Monday, July 16, 2012

中国法律规定对同性恋的自身矛盾 The Contradiction of Chinese Law Toward Homosexuality

(English below Chinese.)

可能大部分中国人可以同意,中国文化对同性恋的接受程度没有美国的高。这是一个文化差异。 但近十年来,中国民众对同性恋的观点变得较为宽容,特别是在年轻人群体中。虽然如此,中国法律规定当中还存在对同性恋者的歧视。同性恋者不能结婚、不能认养孩子等规定反映出这个问题。

这些法律规定对同性恋也存在自身矛盾。中国卫生部近期发布的《先写着健康检查要求》规定“具有高危行为的献血者不应献血,如静脉药瘾史、男男性行为或具有经血传播疾病(艾滋病、丙肝肝炎、乙型肝炎、梅毒等)风险的。” 可见,同性行为被看待是一种疾病。但是,早在2001年,《中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准》将“同性恋”从疾病名单中剔除。新的献血规定不仅展示歧视,还跟其他规定存在冲突。


 Perhaps most Chinese people would agree that Chinese culture is not as accepting of homosexuality as American culture. This is a cultural difference. But in the past ten years, the Chinese public, especially among younger people, has become more tolerant of homosexuality. Although there has been such a change, Chinese law still discriminates against homosexuals. The fact that gay people cannot get married, adopt kids, etc. are reflections of this problem.

These laws on homosexuality also contain contradictions. China's Ministry of Health's recently published law, "Writings on the Demands of Health Checks", states: "Those with high-risk behaviors should not give blood, e.g., those with a history of drug addiction to intravenous drugs, males who have engaged in homosexual behavior, or those with contractable blood diseases (HIV, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, syphilis, etc.)."

Evidently, homosexual  behavior is considered a type of disease. But as early as 2001, "China's Mental Disability Categories and Standards of Diagnosis" took homosexuality off of the list of diseases. So the new blood donation law not only discriminates, it also is in conflict with other laws.

That this law is able to be created is a result of China's political system. If Chinese law reflected the will of the people, then the discrimination and contradiction above probably wouldn't exist. We can only hope that, in the future, our Chinese friends can more greatly participate in the political process.

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